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Aquarius Weekly Horoscope for Aquarius

Week of 13th May 2024 to 19th May 2024

Rita Ann Freeman's Weekly Forecast:


Monday, the 13th, there are strong energies with a burning desire for travel, focus on the future and a tendency for you to look way down the road into your future with many aspects, ideas, plans and expectations. It's a very busy, active day with strong ESP and your insightfulness will garner you lots of attention and several wonderful outcomes to everything you put your hand to. Tuesday, the 14th, there are several questions that come your way and you may be grilled by clients or Mr. Big, as well as co-workers and even friends, who are looking for answers to their problems. Try to get your own agenda accomplished, but expect interruptions and distractions along the way. Wednesday, the 15th is a very accomplished day with busy and active opportunities coming your way left and right. Many of you make get invitations for parties, wedding plans or getaways. Thursday, the 16th, your nervous system is shredded and it would be wise for you to do step away from the excess and seek some enjoyment of some kind with family and friends as a pleasant distraction after a rather busy and demanding day. Friday, the 17th is an extremely fortuitous and insightful day for a hefty cross-section of you who may find serendipitous luck. Old friends or networking connections are resurfacing to lead you to profit and power. Saturday, the 18th, excitement levels go on the rise but it's best to make a plan for the day and then stick with it as best you can since distractions and interruptions are the norm. Sunday, the 19th, once again, you have tremendous new insights and opportunities coming your way and your ESP is super high.


This week, your love life may feel like it's on a high-speed train, particularly from Tuesday to Friday. As an Aquarius, your natural inclination to take the initiative could lead to unexpected disruptions in romantic plans. If you're paired with someone from Taurus, Virgo, Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio, or another Aquarius, be mindful that your actions might preempt a surprise they've been planning, potentially leading to disappointment. It's crucial to balance your enthusiasm with a bit of restraint to maintain harmony. Single Aquarians might find that social engagements initially meant for professional networking morph into opportunities for romantic connections. Places buzzing with intellectual exchange and shared interests could be where you find a spark with a potential partner. Embrace these moments but proceed with a mix of excitement and caution to fully savor the budding relationships without overwhelming your counterpart. Read the weekly partner horoscope...


Your vibrant social life takes center stage this week. With a knack for being in the right place at the right time, you're likely to find yourself surrounded by both new and familiar faces. As your schedule fills, you might become the go-to person for friends who need help or advice. Despite your busy agenda, your willingness to support your friends does not waver. However, it's important to manage your energy so that you're not overwhelmed by the needs of others. Long-standing friends might rely on you for more significant support -- heart-to-heart discussions that may arise around Tuesday, Friday, and Sunday are not only likely but necessary. These conversations could strengthen your bonds and provide mutual comfort and understanding. As an Aquarius, you often inspire your friends with your innovative ideas and unique perspectives, making you a cherished member of any circle.


Professionally, this week is set to be nothing short of stellar for you, Aquarius. You're on the brink of achieving milestones that could redefine your career path. The potential for major successes such as clinching significant deals, attracting big clients, or securing key positions is particularly heightened. With your unique ability to connect with influential figures across various signs, especially Taurus, Virgo, Pisces, Cancer, and Gemini, your network will play a crucial role in these accomplishments. Friday the 17th, which might be a cause for concern for some, appears as an exciting challenge to you -- an opportunity to demonstrate resilience and adaptability. Pay close attention to discussions and developments that occur around this day, as they are likely indicators of how your career will evolve from June into July, with hints of possible promotions or significant advancements as early as late summer.

General Overview by Deborah Browning

Dear Aquarius, this week focuses on home and family. The Moon in Leo encourages you to connect with your loved ones and find joy in your home environment. The Sun's conjunction with Uranus in Taurus may bring unexpected changes to your living situation or family dynamics, challenging you to embrace flexibility and innovation at home. Venus's sextile to Saturn provides stability, ensuring that any changes contribute positively to your domestic life. As Mercury enters Taurus, communication with family members becomes more thoughtful, allowing you to address any issues with sensitivity and pragmatism. Toward the weekend, as the Moon moves through Virgo and Libra, focus on tidying up your space and balancing your personal needs with family obligations. Read more...